An Invitation: A Journey towards Your Soul
To find out if we are a good match and explore more about your individual soul gifts that are still lying in your unconscious,
book your free 30 Min Discovery Call here:
How to transform your Life with me
Let me seed you a few ideas into your sweet soul!
Voice Activation Sessions
NADA BRAHMA - The World is Sound
We all are born with a sacred instrument – our own voice.
By activating your throat chakra, you are finding new portals of expressing your truth
and learning how to speak up for yourself and your needs.
To find out if we are a good match,
Book your free 30 Min Discovery Call here:
Embodiment Sessions: Yoga • Dance • Body Work
Is your body yearning for movement or touch?
Whatever it is you need, I will create a safe 1:1 space for you to express and embody what is here now,
your spine to dance and your heart to open wider than ever before.
To find out if we are a good match,
Book your free 30 Min Discovery Call here:
Gene Keys Soul Readings (online)
The Gene Keys combine aspects of Human Design, Astrology, I Ging, Kabbalah and Vedic Chakra Philosophy.
Dive with me into your Gene Keys to expand your self-consciousness and find out about your individual blueprint for your Life, your Golden Path.
Working with my Gene Keys has helped me a lot to understand myself and my role in this world better and I am happy to share my merries and wisdom with you.
Discover the Deep Essence and the 4 Prime Gifts of your Soul
What is your Life‘s Mission?
Which big challenges are coming up in your Life to learn and grow? (Evolution)
What keeps you healthy? (Radiance)
Why are you here? What deeply fulfils you? (Purpose)
120 Minutes Reading via Zoom
All Documents as PDF
Personal Soul Support via Whatsapp/Telegram for 1 Week
To find out if we are a good match,
Book your free 30 Min Discovery Call here:
Going Deeper - 12 Weeks of 1:1 Soul Coaching (online)
Together we Dive Deep into your Golden Path:
Activation Sequence (Your Prime Gifts) • Venus Sequence (Your Past, Love, Traumas) • Pearl Sequence (Your Vocation)
Discovering + Dissolving Roadblocks along the Way
Going through your current (and recurring) Life Themes
Holistic Approach (physical, emotional, mental, astral)
Whatever challenges come up for you
12 x 90 Minutes Coaching Calls via Zoom
All Documents as PDF
Personal Soul Support via Whatsapp/Telegram for 12 Weeks
To find out if we are a good match,
Book your free 30 Min Discovery Call here:
Through Human Design I have learned that I am a Manifesting Generator, which explains quite well my interest in many different things . . .
The last decade of my life I have been travelling around the world, exploring the wildest places and people, always keen for stunning hikes in nature with or without interesting travel company.
Amongst others, I now find myself in the role of a Yin & Vinyasa Yoga & Meditation Teacher, Massage Therapist, Dancer, Musician, Empowerment Coach and Artist.
I am a free spirit, finding my big passion in connecting souls with themselves and each other through movement, sound and emotional healing.
People tell me I inspire them with my curious and playful nature while sharing the tools I have found worldwide to cultivate Inner Peace, Joy, Authenticity and Freedom in the Heart.
Upcoming Events
- Sat, 04 OctMerzouga04 Oct 2025, 17:00 – 12 Oct 2025, 10:00Merzouga, 43G6+RM, Merzouga, Marokko
Free Call
To find out if we are a good match,
Book your free 30 Min Discovery Call here: